Sunday, August 26, 2012

4 Weeks Later.....

Brinleigh is a month old!!!!  Where has the time gone?  I sure can't tell you, especially since most of the time I don't even know what day of the week it is.  This past week was our first week with no company.  It was just us, our little family of three.  Four if you count the forgotten child, Gunner.  Who by the way, has adjusted fairly well to our newest addition.  I think it helped having all of our company around.  With the extra people in the house, he was always sure to get a little attention from someone at all times.  Kolt has also been trying to take Gunner with him when he goes out fishing or when we go for walks.  Other than his occasional lick of Brinleigh's head, he doesn't really pay any attention to her.  When she cries (or screams) he doesn't even seem to notice.  I think as long as he is getting fed every day & we share some of our food occasionally, then he could care less about his new little sister.  
Our little Baby Bean is such a precious gift & we LOVE her so much.  She has more of a nightly sleep schedule now..... somewhat.  She sleeps at night for several hours, then wakes up to be changed & fed, then goes back to sleep for a few more hours, until she wakes again.  We usually do this about 3 times before she is up for the morning.  She doesn't really have a day time schedule yet.  She sleeps when she wants & is awake when she wants.  The only steady routine she has on a daily basis is being fed every 2-3 hours.  I have adjusted somewhat to her schedule, or lack there of.  When she sleeps at night, I sleep too.  When she sleeps during the day, I usually try & shower, or eat, or clean, or do a load of laundry, or get on the computerBasically anything that needs to be done that I don't have time to do when she is awake.  If I nap at all during the day it's usually in the morning when she sleeps or if Kolt is watching her.  Kolt went back to work this past Thursday & he is now on the night shift working 4pm- midnight.  This is a new shift for him so he is still trying to adjust but it seems to be working fairly well with the baby.  He sleeps through the night while I get up & take care of Brinleigh.  He is home the first half of the day to help me take care of her so I can try & nap, shower, eat, clean, etc. or he might go fishing or run errands.  Then the second half of the day he is working so it is just me & her so I don't get as much done unless she sleeps.  
Brinleigh is already getting bigger & stronger.  She is able to lift her head up on her own for a few seconds & if she is sitting up while we hold her, she can now support her own head for almost a minute before we have to help her.  She is starting to smile a lot more when she is awake now & giggles in her sleep some times.  She hates & I mean screams bloody murder hates, her car seat, unless we are moving it, either carrying it, pushing it in the stroller, or driving in the car.  She loves to be moving, especially being carried.  I wear a baby wrap that I carry her around in & she lays against my chest when we walk & as soon as she gets in it she is asleep.  I mean comatose kind of sleep.  It is great when we are grocery shopping or walking around town.  It also covers her so people can't really see her which helps to avoid the unwanted attention from strangers.  The sound of the vacum puts her to sleep & she likes baths.  She also likes to sit with her daddy because he holds her up so she can look around & see everything. 
We had her newborn pictures done last week & we haven't gotten them back yet but we are very excited to see them.  We did get to preview a few of them which I will post, but so far we love them.  I am also going picture crazy, taking pictures of her every time I turn around.