Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Thanks - Days 1 & 2

I am jumping on the bandwagon & joining friends on Facebook with the daily posting of the "30 Days of Thanks."  I decided that it would be nice to reflect & remind myself of the everyday blessings in my life that I should always be Thankful for, especially since there are so many others who aren't as fortunate as I am.  So here it goes, the first two days of my 30 Days of Thanks.  

P.S.  My list of things I am Thankful for is not in any specific order of importance & the OCD freak that I am, I have therefore planned out which topics I will be Thankful for on which days.  So for those who think "what about the obvious, like your husband?"..............  Well I have not forgotten, I just have a special day reserved for praising my Thanks for him!

Day #1: 

Today we are Thankful for Brinleigh's Uncle Tyler, who helps restore people's power when storms knock it out. Even though it takes him away from his family sometimes, he still loves what he does. Thank You, Tyler, we love you! Happy Birthday from Kolt, Brinleigh, & Lexi.

**This post was because it was Tyler's Birthday.  On this special day he is currently out of state & away from his family, helping to restore power to the victims of Hurricane Sandy.  He also missed taking his three children trick or treating the night before.  Tyler works many hours & being on call during storms can take him away from his family for days at a time, even when he is working locally.  He has traveled south to help other states in their time of need & now he travels north with many, many other linemen from all different states to help restore power that was lost during Hurricane Sandy.   

Day #2: 

Today I am Thankful for the Coast Guard. They are the responders who put their lives at risk "so others may live." From saving people from life threatening waters to interdicting drug smugglers, they are the sometimes forgotten Hero's of the sea. The Coast Guard has given my husband a sense of pride & my family a sense of protection. They have provided us with a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, & food on our table. The Coast Guard has given us the opportunity to travel & live in different places, meet new people, & make some lifelong friends. I am Thankful to the Coast Guard for giving my husband a job that he loves, which lets him provide for our family & allows me to stay at home with our baby girl. Semper Paratus!