Our New Years Eve was spent lounging around the house in pajamas, watching a movie and ordering pizza for dinner. We were still adjusting to being back home, still unpacking things and getting organized again. Kolt also had holiday rotation duty on New Years Day so he had to be at work at 7am, stay overnight and didn't come home until the following afternoon. Needless to say, when midnight rolled around, Kolt was fast asleep in bed, Brinleigh was passed out in her swing, and I was catching up on my recorded shows as I heard fireworks going off. Happy New Year! I was not at all disappointed about spending the night in my pj's celebrating Brinleigh's very first New Years with just our little family.
Baby Update: On New Years Eve we noticed that Brinleigh can sit on her own somewhat now. We don't have to support her as much and she can even go about a minute sitting on her own with no help at all from Daddy or Mommy.
P.S. Before we left for our Christmas vacation, I developed somewhat of a penguin obsession for Brinleigh and became completely occupied with buying her anything and everything penguin. Note the New Years Eve pj's. Of course, Brinleigh's Grandma D happily contributed to the penguin addiction with half of her Christmas presents.