Saturday, April 13, 2013

Brinleigh Update- 8 Months

I know you are all probably dying for a Brinleigh update and I apologize for slacking on the blog posts.  Things are a little more hectic and chaotic here in North Carolina than they are in our usually calm life back in Sitka.

Brinleigh D is not crawling..... yet.  But she's almost there.  She knows that her knee's move her, but she doesn't know how to move both her hands and knee's at the same time.  This usually leads to a slight face plant followed by scooting until she decides to hop back up on her knee's again.  Then repeat.  Once she learns to get them both in sync with each other, she is gonna be speeding around the house in no time.  She has, however, figured out that while she is on her hands and knee's that she can push herself up onto her feet.  She basically ends up in a downward dog yoga pose.  It's quite possibly one of the cutest things I've ever seen.  Even though she isn't crawling, she can still make her way from one side of a room to the other.  She scoots, combat crawls on her belly, stretches, and rolls herself to wherever she needs to go.  Which is usually to the closest cell phone, TV remote, or bottle within eyesight.  She doesn't completely push herself up into a full sitting position yet, more like a half sit, half lean, however, I do set her down in a sitting position and can leave her without worrying about her falling over.   She has more control over it now so she will usually kinda lean to the side and then flip over onto her belly.  

Brinleigh also has grasped the concept of switching hands when she is holding something.  If I give her something to hold and then try and change her clothes, she will hold the item in one hand while I put her other arm through the sleeve and then she will switch the item to the opposite hand while I put the other arm through the sleeve.

My little love bug is in the process of transitioning from her six month clothes to her nine month clothes AND now that I have used the last of her size two diapers, we have moved on to size three.  I swear I keep her in her current size clothes and diapers for as long as I possibly can.  It makes me so sad when she moves up in sizes.  Our baby girl is getting so big so fast.  However, that does mean she will be rockin' some new cute outfits.  Which, by the way, I have become slightly obsessed with finding the both of us color coordinating clothes.  (Note the Mama + mini matching Easter outfit colors.)  

Brinleigh knows how to blow raspberries with her lips now and entertains herself some times by doing so.  Usually when I'm trying to feed her.  She is very interested in all the people she see's these days coming and going from the Ruey house and she loves, loves, loves the kids.  She gets so excited and happy when they try and play with her.   She now makes the "bah bah bah" sound, some times in an extremely loud tone.  She also understands that when she drops something or throws something on the ground, someone will pick it up, give it back to her and she will repeat the process.  Almost anything involving repetition is her favorite game.  She loves playing peek-a-boo, she gets ecstatic when the dogs get within reach of her and she can touch them and she has met her first cat which she seems intrigued by.