Last Monday night Kolt got a call from work asking if he could go in and stand duty. The crew that was already on duty had a SAR case in Ketchikan and would most likely be gone all night, so they needed another ready crew on base. The next morning, the crew that had gone out the night before came back and then Kolt's crew went back to finish the SAR case. It was an overdue party, an older couple, whose boat ran aground and started taking on water. They had an excellent float plan set in case of emergencies and were able to wade to nearby land. The couple had camped out overnight and were in good condition when located the next day by a Ketchikan Volunteer Rescue Squad aircraft. Since the KVRS aircraft was unable to land the Coast Guard helo was sent to the location to pick up the stranded boaters. Kolt being the flight mech on the helo, guided them to the ground to land and then assisted the couple into the helo after the rescue swimmer on board made contact with them. One of the camera guys from the show Coast Guard Alaska was on board the helo and Kolt had his interview with them the following week. So, in about 6 months from now, one of the episodes of Coast Guard Alaska will be of this SAR case and will show Kolt's interview. Coast Guard Alaska posted a short video of Kolt guiding the helo down to land on their Facebook page and I re-posted it, so you can watch it on my FB page.
On another SAR note: Kolt was on a routine flight while on duty this week and they were diverted for a SAR case. They had to pick up a fisherman off a fishing vessel who had gotten a fish hook stuck in his eyeball. Kolt hoisted the rescue swimmer down and then the helo landed on close land and the swimmer brought the fisherman to land. There was a cameraman on board that flight as well and that should make one of the future Coast Guard Alaska episodes as well.
Brinleigh and I are so proud of our AET!!!!