I am now 29 weeks pregnant & definitely still growing (about 1/2 an inch a week). On top of the back pain, heartburn, & constant urge to pee, I now get to feel the wonderful sensation of being jabbed in the ribs at random moments. It's not comfortable at all & at times quite annoying. A few weeks ago we found out that Kolt can hear the baby's heartbeat if he puts his ear to my belly. We read about this in one of the pregnancy books & decided to give it a try. I started going to physical therapy a few times a week to help with my back pain. Apparently I don't have an arch in my back that most pregnant women get from their pelvic bones moving forward. My back is staying somewhat flat causing me to carry a lot of weight in my back & putting extra pressure on my back muscles & nerves.
We start our childbirth education classes this coming Monday & will have one class a week for five weeks. We also have our 3rd trimester ultrasound coming up next week & then begin to see the Doctor every 2 weeks. Our first visitors are coming in a couple weeks. One of Kolt's best friends from the Army, Dustin Zumwalt, & his wife will be here for about a week. Shortly after their visit we have our baby shower on June 2nd. As of right now my last day of work is scheduled to be June 29th & then my sister is coming to Sitka on July 23rd. So we will see when Brinleigh decides to make her debut. I think these last 11 weeks are going to go by pretty quickly.
28 Weeks:
Coast Guard Alaska Season 2 premiered a few weeks ago on the weather channel & I hope you are all watching. So far every episode has had stories from the Sitka air station & some of the episodes have been all Sitka air station stories. A nice change from last season where they covered more Kodiak stories. Tonight's episode showed the Coast Guard rescuing one of their own. Flight mech Andy Dennison & his family were reported overdue after their boat ran aground & got stuck on shore on Nakwasina Island. This is somewhat ironic since Andy had to "rescue" Kolt & his friend Steve a few weeks ago from Nakwasina Island when the tide went out & left Steve's boat aground.