Monday, June 18, 2012

King Salmon Season

King Salmon season officially started a few weeks ago.  At first, Kolt was having a hard time catching anything, I think mostly because the season had just started.  But now that it has been a few weeks, he is bringing home the fish!  Because we are "non-residents" he is only allowed to catch one King Salmon a day & his limit is 4 per year.  Since the friends he usually goes fishing with are "residents" they are allowed up to 3 a day & an unlimited number per year.  Therefore, Kolt some times brings home some of his friends catches too.  He has been VERY excited about the salmon & is slowly starting to fill the freezer.  Before King Salmon season started, Kolt was doing very well catching halibut, which we figured out is the ONLY fish I like to eat so far.  

Kolt's First King Salmon!!!

 Kolt's Second day of catching King's

Day 3 of bringing home the King Salmon

 Kolt & our neighbor & good friend, Nick Roberts