While we were in North Carolina for a few months, we kept hearing this song called "Get Your Shine On" by Florida Georgia Line. It's quite catchy and Kolt started a habit of singing it to Brinleigh..... often. I never thought much about it until recently. Brinleigh and I don't watch tv during the day but at dinner time I turn it on and put it on a country music station so we can listen to music. Well, that song kept coming on and I started to notice that every time Brinleigh heard it, she would start bouncing around and became all sorts of excited. Even when she hears it come on in the car, she starts waving her hands around. So now, we think it's the cutest thing ever and anytime that song comes on we stop whatever we are doing to watch her, in all of her adorable little 11 1/2 month old glory, bouncing up and down and waving her arms around.
Video of Brinleigh Dancing
Video of Brinleigh Dancing