Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas List

I really like the idea behind "something you want, something you need, something to wear & something to read" as a guideline for kids gifts.  I know from personal experience how fun it is to shop for a baby, and I even thought it was fun to shop for toddlers.... until I had to start Christmas shopping for Brinleigh this year.  I am honestly still trying to figure out exactly what kind of toys she likes to play with.  I have once again, made "wish lists" for her on and, for anyone who needs ideas or for those who have been asking what kinds of things to buy for her.  Kolt and I were so excited to buy her this little Disney princess ATV ride on toy as her "Santa gift" only to be denied at checkout with the whole "we regret to inform you that we cannot ship this item to your shipping address."  Blah, blah, blah.  We found something else, but it's definitely nowhere near as fun as the ATV would have been. 

Clothing size: 18 months & up
Shoe Size: 4 & up
Needs: shoes, socks, pants (not jeans)
Books:  Any board book! (she will tear, rip, & eat regular paper pages out of a book)
Want:  Wish List on & 

Brinleigh is currently interested in:  small board books, small stuffed animals that she can carry around (even though she has a million already), board books, small bags and purses (what can I say?  She is her mother's daughter), books, Micky Mouse Clubhouse (or any of the other shows on Disney Jr.), and books (the girl loves her books).  Other random items that she is infatuated with include remotes, oven mitts, shoes, and dishes. 

Brinleigh does have a savings account and any money she receives will be deposited into that account.